Our commitment to sustainable development

It was at the beginning of the 2000s that Samat decided to commit to sustainable development. As a sensitive material transporter, it is our duty to put the protection of property, people and the environment at the very core of our mission.

We even materialised this by launching our internal “EcoActiv” policy which aims to promote sustainable development principles in the company and with our stakeholders.

Controlling our CO2 emissions and protecting the environment


Our first field of action covers road transport, our core business. We are constantly seeking to improve our equipment’s energy performances. This is why, very early on, we decided to purchase vehicles compliant with the very latest pollution standards (Euro 6). We very frequently renew our fleet with vehicles that have the technologically most recent engines with low consumption or even that run on LNG. 

We complete our investments with various effective technology making it possible to reduce fossil fuel consumption and reduce greenhouse effect gas emissions, for example: robotised gearboxes for almost the entire fleet, electronic road anticipation management, “stop and start” system, low resistance tyres, etc.

Reducing CO2 emissions also means better route optimisation. If we increase our efficiency, we pollute less. Therefore, by preparing transport using a specifically developed TMS (Transport Management System) that limits parasite mileage, as well as by the geolocation of road units, we significantly optimise trips and, as a result, their carbon footprint.

We also encourage multimodal transport rather than “full truck” solutions.


Raising Samat employees’ awareness of sustainable development


Of course, making progress on sustainable development is not just technical, there is also a human side to it. The training of all our staff is essential to our approach. It is important that every one of our employees be aware of Samat values.

Transporting sensitive materials leaves no room for approximations.  This is why we allow our employees to continuously acquire new skills thanks to our trade training programmes. Using the Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) approach we apply, the prevention of the risks inherent to our activity involves behavioural aspects.

Therefore, our drivers have eco-responsible driving training provided by our safety monitors who are FCO authorised in France



Samat’s 5 sustainable development commitments


In order to measure our progress and be able to report it, we have made various sustainable development commitments:

– SQAS (Safety Quality Assessment for Sustainability), since 2002. 

All our sites are audited by an independent and approved auditor in terms of Safety, Security, Sustainable Development and Quality.

– Responsible Care, or progress commitments since 2010.

Every year we take membership of CEFIC (Brussels) and communicate our results covering 10 main topics in the field of environmental protection, health and safety.

– ADEME charter with CO2 target since 2012.

We strive to continuously improve our carbon footprint by targeting a reduction of our emissions by 1% every year. Reaching our targets involves different sectors: from technical issues relative to our equipment through driver training and resource optimisation.

– Corporate Social Responsibility assessed by EcoVadis.

In 2018 we were awarded EcoVadis Gold status. This audit covers 21 sustainable development criteria in terms of the environment, corporate aspects, ethics and responsible procurement. 

– Membership of the United nations Global compact in 2019

SAMAT Group became a member of the “Global Compact” programme in order to publicly support and develop United Nations SDOs (Sustainable Development Objectives). An action plan has been implemented for these objectives and our results will be communicated to the Global Compact.

Our position in favour of the environment is a daily challenge. We are convinced that the planet’s natural balance must imperatively be protected by everyone and at every level.

As a sensitive product transporter, we have a major role to play. Therefore supporting sustainable development is our choice for the future and we are determined to improve a little more every day.